Argument culture demands that we all 'shut down'
October 08, 2013
The Oct. 4 letter lamenting an "I don't care" attitude related to the federal government shutdown caught my interest.
While I do care very deeply and am a committed public servant, I have sympathy and understanding for those who "don't care." I have learned that "apathy" is a favorite word for politically minded people. Yet apart from recognizing that it exists, blaming those who choose to shut down politically has limited value for me.
I understand why people have to turn off. It has all gone horribly wrong! Partisan bantering simply contributes to the "argument culture" our country has come to exemplify.
It is a leadership issue. Who can respect a system where leadership does not work together for the good of all our citizens, is blinded by political philosophy, caters to the almighty dollar, and is caught up in circular communication that leads to always making bad decisions?
The values of our great society are daily threatened by
the type of leadership that promotes an illogical and dangerous political dance. It permeates all of our society and it promotes daily converts to the "I don't care" community. Everyone in this country is on survival mode. Where is there evidence that leaders care?
Linell M. Grundman East Sandwich